


[ al-vin ]


  1. a town in southern Texas.
  2. a first name: from Old English words meaning “elf ” and “friend.”

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Example Sentences

Call him an accepted radical, cherished by cinephiles and cultists as well as the little kids who flock to him at airports following his cameo in an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.

From Time

Even with the company bearing this cost, Alvin believes hybrid working has made it more profitable through reduced office real-estate costs, increased productivity and greater staff retention.

From Digiday

After several occasions, the pastor told Alvin and his mother that he “was cured” that he “had managed to free him from his demon.”

That struck the ACLU—and the judge in the case, Alvin Hellerstein—as a specious argument.

Paul Rand and Alvin Lustig, the twin titans of mid-century American graphic design.

The second is the first generation born in America: people like Julius Shulman, Paul Rand, Alex Steinweiss, and Alvin Lustig.

There seems to be no doubt, judging by police files, that he was born Alvin Clarence Thomas, in the state of Arkansas, about 1893.

By sending gifts (or gift cards) to his favorite stars, Alvin is encouraging a smile at his own expense.

Gerda was out there still, with her brother and the oaf—whose name, Forrester had discovered, was Alvin Sherdlap.

It was clear from one look at the lout that no one, anywhere, for any reason, would miss Alvin if he were exploded into dust.

One little zap would do it, and Alvin Sherdlap would encumber the Earth no more.

There's talk about good prices bein' offered and, accordin' to Alvin, Ostable folks are pretty excited.

Mr. Alvin Adams had taken us there in his beautiful equipage, and he advised us of the hour.




